Ayurvedic Massage Techniques for Back Pain Relief: Therapeutic Touch for Spinal Health

Posted on June 28, 2024
Ayurvedic Massage Techniques for Back Pain Relief: Therapeutic Touch for Spinal Health

Back pain is one of the most common complaints experienced by people all over the world, as stated by the WHO, with the estimation that 80% of adults suffer from it at some time in their lives. It is among the leading causes of lost days at work and outpatient clinic visits, underlining its interference with daily functioning. This condition ranges from acute ( that is caused by a single traumatic event ) to chronic pain brought about by diseases such as arthritis or degenerative disc disease.

This blog Ayurvedic Massage Techniques for Back Pain Relief: Therapeutic Touch for Spinal Health will discuss back pain, offering Ayurvedic massage as a remedy based on Ayurveda which is an Indian healing science. While other modes of therapy are generally used to address signs and symptoms, Ayurveda categorizes pain as an expression of the three forces, or doshic imbalances that exist in the body, which are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. In treatment procedures such as Abhyanga (oil massage), the Marma therapy (which involves stimulation of certain body zones), the Udvartana (herbal powder massage), etc, the Ayurvedic physiotherapist works to regain the balance and free flow of the fluids within a clients body to let the body heal itself.

In addition to focusing on pain relief, the Ayurvedic approach improves individual health, thus making them an attractive option for individuals who are in search of holistic, and best Ayurvedic massage in Dubai.

Types of Back Pain

Acute Back Pain

  • Sudden onset is typically due to injury or strain.

  • Lasts less than 3 months.

  • Often resolves with rest and self-care.

Chronic Back Pain

  • Persistent discomfort lasting longer than 3 months.

  • Linked to underlying conditions like arthritis, and disc degeneration.

  • It can impact daily life and require ongoing management.

Common Causes and Risk Factors

Some of the common factors include:

  • Poor posture or ergonomics.

  • Muscle or ligament strains.

  • Aging-related changes in the spine.

  • Obesity or sedentary lifestyle.

Ayurveda and Back Pain

According to Ayurveda pain management is a doshic concept, which means controlling and balancing the vata, pitta, and kapha elements of the body. Each dosha corresponds to specific qualities and can influence back pain differently:

Vata: Linked to the air and ether, Vata disease displays dryness, rigidness, and irregular pain in the back. This could be a result of cold weather, over-exertion, or stress among other causative agents

Pitta: When vitiating, Pitta, the fire and water elements result in such symptoms as inflammation, burning feeling, and acute pain. Patients with back pain related to the Pitta constitution may aggravate it with the consumption of spicy foods, heat, or stress.

Kapha: Being dominated by earth and water, the presence of Kapha causes stiffness, heaviness, and dull pain in the back. In conditions that cause pain that is associated with Kapha, certain factors may trigger the increase in pain such as cold, damp weather lack of exercise and overeating.

Ayurvedic remedies of back pain are based on those doshas and are thus individualized – the treatments may include; herbals, diet, particular massage (Abhyanga), and alterations in lifestyle to maintain balance and increase comfort and decrease the pain.

Key Ayurvedic Massage Techniques


Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurvedic full-body oil massage that involves rhythmic strokes with warm herbal oils. It aims to deeply penetrate the skin, lubricate the tissues, and promote relaxation. The benefits of Abhyanga include:

  • Nourishing and rejuvenating the skin and muscles.

  • Boost Blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, aiding in toxin removal.

  • Calming the nervous system, reducing stress, and promoting better sleep.

  • Improving joint flexibility and muscle tone.

  • Supporting overall vitality and well-being through regular practice.

Marma Therapy

Marma points are vital energy centers located throughout the body, where muscles, joints, veins, arteries, tendons, and bones intersect. In Marma therapy, gentle pressure or massage techniques are applied to these points to stimulate the flow of prana (life force energy) and clear any blockages. For back pain relief, specific Marma points along the spine and surrounding areas are targeted to reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and improve mobility. This therapy not only addresses physical discomfort but also promotes emotional and mental balance by restoring energy flow throughout the body.

Udvartana:  Udvartana involves a dry herbal powder massage, typically using ingredients like chickpea flour, herbs, and aromatic spices. This exfoliating massage technique stimulates circulation, enhances lymphatic drainage, and removes toxins from the body. In the context of back pain, Udvartana helps in reducing inflammation, easing muscle tension, and improving skin texture. 

The friction created by the herbal powder promotes heat generation, which aids in releasing muscular knots and promoting relaxation. Regular Udvartana sessions can also aid in weight management, improve skin health, and invigorate the senses, making it a versatile treatment in Ayurvedic practice for holistic well-being.

This exfoliating treatment also helps in:

  • Stimulating circulation and lymphatic flow, aiding in detoxification.

  • Toning the skin and reducing cellulite.

  • Improving metabolism and promoting weight loss.

  • Enhancing skin texture and imparting a sense of lightness and vitality.

These Ayurvedic massage techniques are tailored to individual needs and can be integral parts of holistic health practices, offering both physical and mental benefits when performed regularly and correctly.

Preparing for an Ayurvedic Massage

Before an Ayurvedic massage, it's essential to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner to assess your health, dosha imbalance, and specific concerns related to back pain. This consultation helps tailor the massage to your needs, ensuring optimal therapeutic benefits. Connect with our experts at Dr Jasna’s the best Ayurveda clinic in Dubai to get a detailed understanding of various sports massages.

Prepare for the massage by wearing comfortable clothing that can be easily removed for the session. During the massage, expect a warm, inviting atmosphere with soft music and dim lighting to promote relaxation. The practitioner will use gentle strokes and herbal oils suited to your dosha type, focusing on areas of tension and pain. Afterward, it's advisable to rest and hydrate to maximize the massage's healing effects.