Best Ayurveda Solutions for Low Back Pain Relief

Posted on September 20, 2023
  Best Ayurveda Solutions for Low Back Pain Relief

Back pain is a concern most of us experience at some point in our life. Various reasons can cause back pain. It doesn't matter whether the pain is caused by a poor sleeping posture or careless gym action. Back pain can pop up for a variety of reasons and might worsen if left untreated. However, with the right methods of Ayurveda, back pain can be eased and managed at times. Ayurved takes a holistic approach towards back pain and focuses on treating the underlying reasons. 

In this blog ‘Best Ayurveda Solutions for Low Back Pain Relief’, we’ll talk about how Ayurveda can help with your back pain with the help of the top ayurvedic hospital in Dubai.

What are the causes of lower back pain?

Back pain varies from Individual to Individual. They can range from a dull constant ache to a sudden or severe pain.

Spine pains or fractures might also an indicators of diseases like Lumbar spondylosis, Slipped disc (neuritis, sciatica), Muscle sprain, TB spine (Pott’s disease), Multiple Myeloma Tumors (malignant or benign).

But some of the common causes of lower back pain include : 

  • Sedentary lifestyle

  • Faulty Life Style 

  • Lack of Vit B12 in Food

  • Psychological Stress

  • Sports Injuries

  • Obesity

  • Poor ergonomics at work

  • Lack of regular exercise

  • High-stress levels

  • Disc Problems

  • Muscle of Ligament strain

Chronic back pain affects all aspects of your life, regardless of the cause and symptoms.

Best Ayurvedic Therapies for lower back pain

Ayurvedic treatments typically involve a combination of herbal formulations, dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes. They aim to balance the body's energies and promote overall well-being. So, let's take a look at the best and safe Ayurvedic therapies that have been traditionally used to cure lower back pain, offering a gentle and effective alternative to conventional treatments.

1. Abhyanga 

Abhyanga is a therapeutic oil massage that can significantly help with relieving lower back pain. This gentle massage performed by an Ayurvedic practitioner will help to improve circulation, relax muscles, and reduce inflammation in the affected area. The warm herbal oils used in Abhyanga will penetrate deep into the tissues, nourishing and lubricating them, which can alleviate stiffness and discomfort in the lower back. If you are looking for an Ayurvedic treatment for backpain in Dubai, reach out to our expert Dr Jasna’s for effective and personalized Ayurveda treatment.

2. Kati Basti

Kati Basti is a helpful Ayurvedic remedy for lower back pain and issues. In this treatment, warm oil is kept on the lower back area using a special frame for about 20-40 minutes. The warm oil helps by making the back more flexible and improving blood flow, while herbs in the oil offer healing benefits. This treatment is done for 7 to 14 days, gradually reducing the pain and discomfort in the lower back.

3. Njavarkizhi

In Njavarakizhi treatment, the treatment uses special Shali rice which is boiled in milk and herbs to form the njavarakizhi. This kind of ayurvedic massage is very helpful with pain relief and slows the progression of degeneration of the spinal cord, allowing it to move more freely. Njavarakizhi also helps with the swelling, stiffness, and pressure associated with joint disorders like arthritis, spondylosis, and other joint issues. Dr Jasna’s offers the Best ayurvedic treatment in dubai when it comes to back pain.

Besides, you can also practice some of the following exercises and preventive measures to help with the lower back pain. 

Regular back stretching exercises: Excersting is the key when it comes to keeping our body healthy. You can ensure the health of your back by doing regular exercises. 

Avoid sitting idly for long hours: Sitting in one position for a long time can lead to health problems, and back pain is one of the most painful issues that can arise. Even at work, it's important to take short breaks every thirty to forty minutes to avoid these problems.

Improper seating and lying posture: Avoiding improper seating and lying postures can be beneficial in preventing and alleviating back pain. When you sit or lie in an incorrect position, it can strain your back muscles and put pressure on your spine. This can lead to discomfort and chronic pain over time. Good posture helps with distribute your body weight evenly, reducing the risk of developing imbalances that can contribute to back pain.

Massage therapy: Massage therapies ranging from self-massages and medicated massages by trained professionals at Dr. Jasna’s can help with improving your lower back pain and maintaining it.

For more details regarding Dr. Jasna’s Ayurveda treatment for back pain, connect with our experts at our Ayurvedic clinic Dubai for a detailed understanding of the various treatments. We’ll be more than happy to guide you through the most suitable ayurvedic treatment for your back pain. 

Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment for Back Pain

Ayurvedic treatment for back pain offers numerous benefits. It emphasizes a holistic approach, aiming to address the root causes rather than just symptoms. Ayurveda uses natural remedies and therapies like herbal formulations, massages, and lifestyle adjustments. These treatments provide relief by reducing inflammation, promoting muscle relaxation, and enhancing circulation in the affected area. 

Ayurveda also focuses on restoring the body's balance, which contributes to long-term pain management. Importantly, Ayurvedic treatments have minimal side effects, making them a safe and sustainable option for those seeking relief from back pain without relying heavily on pharmaceuticals or invasive procedures.