Everybody loses hair daily. It is said that losing up to 100 hairs per day is considered to be normal. When you start losing excess hair and/or find bald patches, it is a sign given by the body of poor hair management. The condition that causes hair to fall out in small patches is called Alopecia areata. Usually, they are unnoticeable but once the patches connect, then they become visible and are an eyesore.
There are many reasons for hair loss including inadequate nutrition, stress, hormonal imbalance, PCOS, post-pregnancy condition, pollution & heat, etc. The hair volume also starts reducing with increasing age and hereditary baldness. Regardless of the cause, hair fall takes a huge toll on one’s overall confidence. Many medicines and shampoos are available in the market which helps with the hair fall solution. However, most of them would be a temporary solution and will increase the dependence on these products for an extremely long time. Once you stop using them, the problems return.
Ayurveda aims to get to the root cause and change the overall lifestyle, which led to poor hair management. Excess hair fall in Ayurveda is known as Khalitya and is a part of Shiroroga. Any irregularities in the body including hair fall are considered to be caused due to the imbalance in the Doshas(humor) of the body. Khalitya is mainly a Pitta predominant tridoshajanya vyadhi (Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha related disease). But based on the predominance of dosha, it is classified as shown below.
Pittaja Khalitya: The scalp colour appears as Peeta, Neela, and Harita. The scalp is surrounded by the Siras (veins) and will be sweaty. There is a tendency for the hair to become thin, oily, and silky. Balding and even premature greying is associated with Pitta related imbalances
Vataja Khalitya: Here the scalp appears as if it is Agnidagdha and it becomes Shyava and Aruna. There is a tendency for the hair to become dry and brittle. Frizzy hair with dandruff and split ends are also part of Vata related imbalances
Kaphaja Khalitya: The scalp colour appears to have a white tinge with Ghana and Snigdha in appearance. The hair becomes oily and thick leading to a Clogged and extremely oily scalp.
Tridoshaja Khalitya: The characteristics of all the three mentioned Doshas are seen here. The scalp usually looks burnt having a nail-like look.
As always Ayurveda tries to locate the root cause in your diet or lifestyle that may be increasing the Pitta dosha which leads to hair loss. Then suggestions to improve the lifestyle by changing the diet, sleeping patterns, and exercise regimes are given. Consumption of Ayurvedic medicines like Thikthakam Kashayamand and Thikthakam Ghritham is effective to correct the metabolism. Ayurvedic general tonics like Narasimha Rasayanam, Chyavana Prasam are known for improving hair growth. Few natural herbs that help in reviving the hair are mentioned below
Bringraj: Also called false daisy is found in moist areas. They are rich in iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamins. Using Bringraj in coconut or sesame oil to massage the scalp regularly helps in reducing stress and increases blood circulation.
Shikakai: climbing shrub which is usually found in Asia and common in the warm plains of central and south India. They are rich in antioxidants that promote hair growth and also nourish the scalp. They can be used by mixing with coconut oil and used as a shampoo alternate.
Methi Seeds: Fenugreek contains Nicotinic acid which is highly effective against dandruff and hair fall. It is also rich in vitamin A, C & K. It is ground into a fine paste and applied for up to 30 minutes. After that, it is rinsed off with warm water.
Amla: Also called Indian gooseberry is rich in Vitamin C. It is a primary ingredient in many skincare products and contains fatty acids & antioxidants to strengthen the hair follicles. Applying Amla oil can promote hair growth and blood circulation.
Brahmi: Its Scientific name is Bacopa Monnieri. It is a staple plant grown in a wet tropical environment. Their use reduces stress, treats dry & damaged scalp and naturally strengthens the hair. It is boiled with coconut oil and massaged on the scalp to get a soothing effect.
Along with these remedies, following a proper diet and sticking to natural products is recommended. Good care should be taken of the bone since hair fall can also be due to weak bone tissues. Also, cleansing via the nose-Nasya an intense detoxification process in Ayurveda that can help pump out impurities in the body is also suggested to reduce stress. Hair fall can be mitigated by taking action at the early stages itself. Kerala is famous for its Ayurvedic retreats and the Kerala Ayurvedic treatment is available in Dubai as well.
Dr Jasnas Ayurvedic Clinic in Al Mamzar, Dubai is a leading Ayurvedic treatment center in Dubai with many years of experience and knowledge.