Seasonal Skincare Routines in Ayurveda for Glowing Skin

Posted on February 28, 2022
Seasonal Skincare Routines in Ayurveda for Glowing Skin

The cold weather of winter is slowly giving way to the awakening spring season. This transitional period between seasons is known as Ritu-Sandhi in Ayurveda. Our body takes time to acclimatize when moving from one weather to another. An immediate change in climate that happens when we go to someplace cold can result in imbalances caused by Asatmya. There are precise seasonal skincare routines in Ayurveda for glowing skin. Following these seasonal skincare routines can help to maintain the smoothness and form of your skin. 

The Ayurvedic Approach To Seasonal Change

The Ayurvedic skincare routine is a vast subject that has been studied and practiced in India for centuries. The science behind the seasonal change is known as Rituacharya in Ayurveda, where Ritu means seasons and Charya means the discipline behind it. It helps to understand how the body responds to a sudden change in climatic conditions and what steps need to be taken in order to acclimatize to the current conditions. Ideally, the body takes around two weeks to phase out of the old conditions and adopt the new environment. The biological and mental factors need to be considered during this time period in our dietary and other living habits. 

Ayurveda teaches us that the body has natural constitutions known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The change in the environment can either ignite or pacify each constitution based on the individual’s body and the dominance of the particular constitution. So we need to take pre-emptive measures to avoid an imbalance in them in order to avoid skin-related issues during seasonal change. 

An Ayurvedic Guide To Winter Skin Care

As per Ayurveda, winter constitutes two Ritus spread over a period of 4 months. Hemantha Ritu and the Shishira Ritu are the names of these two Ritus starting from Mid November to mid-March. The period from mid-November to Mid January is part of Visarga Kala which is a period of regeneration, emission, or hydration. The cold weather causes the skin to be enwrapped which blocks the channels of perspiration(Swedavaha Srotas). This is a defense mechanism to prevent the body heat from escaping. This also leads to the blocking of sweat from leaving the body which aggravates the Vata Dosha. This can result in extreme dryness, cracked skin, dullness, and moisture-less skin. 

The period from Mid January to Mid March belongs to the Shishira Ritu which is a part of Adana Kala. It results in dehydration and is dominated by qualities of Agni(fire). During this period, the sunlight and sharp winds absorb the moisture from the earth and also our skin. This drying effect is seen throughout the late winter, spring, and summer seasons as well. Thus our body becomes dehydrated and weak. Ayurvedic winter care concentrates on improving our overall health.

Dry Skin
In order to combat the dryness during winter, it is recommended to regular oil massages for a better skin complexion. Abhyanga or oil massage is a good remedy for the acute skin dryness that is seen during the winter season. Abhyanga using coconut, sesame, and almond oils are beneficial. Also, oils like Ksheerabala, Mahamasha, and Dhanwantari tailas are used for effective treatment against skin dryness

Cracked Lips
Overexposure to the sun and lack of regular hydration can result in lip cracking which is very uncomfortable. Application of Eladi taila, Kumkumadi taila, Nalpamaradi taila, or ghee can help to mitigate the issue.

Dry Feet
Just like drying lips, the feet also get cracked and the skin becomes dry and coarse during winters. Pada abhyanga or foot massage using medicated oils can help in skin treatment as well as improve the blood circulation of the body. 

An Ayurvedic Guide To Summer Skin Care

The time between mid-May to mid-July is generally considered to be the summer(Grishma) season when the blistering heat of the sun attains full force in the whole year. Owing to the deposition of Vata Dosha, the overall strength will be comparatively lesser. The summer Ayurvedic care includes consuming food that is light in nature for quicker digestion and of course replenishing the body with an abundant supply of water. Common Skin problems like skin rashes, hives, sunburn, blisters, etc are due to the imbalance of Pitta Dosha. Hence the herbal remedies for skin diseases treatment in Ayurveda concentrate mainly on Pitta pacifying diet. Reduce the consumption of chilly food, pickles, and even alcohol. Any food that results in increasing body temperature must be avoided.


High Pitta can lead to the development of hives that require natural cooling remedies like using aloe vera gel. The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera can help to soothe the skin and cool it down. 

Commonly found in toddlers and adolescents, the itchy skin that turns to rash is a sign of Eczema. Also, fluid-filled blisters can be accompanied by it. Ayurveda recommends the application of herbal ointments as well as detoxification procedures like the Panchakarma which will be good for the skin and the overall body. 

Heat Rashes
Exposure to direct sunlight and uncomfortable dressing for prolonged periods can result in heat rashes. The sweat glands get clogged up resulting in skin rashes. Wearing light clothes and taking showers more frequently can help. Also, there are prickly heat powders that can help with the situation. 

In conclusion, skin issues during seasonal changes can be avoided with a little self-care and knowledge about how to go about it. Dr. Jasna is the best Ayurvedic Doctor Dubai who has been offering professional Ayurvedic services for skincare treatments. The Dr. Jasnas Ayurveda Clinic Dubai is highly sought after by the residents of the UAE.